Technical Experience
Discord Bot Reviewer Bot List
Oct,2020- PRESENT
Added as a Bot Reviewer Role in the Discord Bot List discord sever. Helped reduce bot approval queues by reviewing Discord bot applications submitted by developers. Communicated and gave feedback for denied tickets
Discord Bot Developer
Nov 2019- Dec 2020
Actively developing Discord Applications and Bots for personal and public servers and users. Generally like to create bots that help the community and the servers that use them.
Programming and Hacking Division Team Member John P Stevens High School -CyberHawks Oct,2017-June, 2019
Collaborated on many projects in a team-oriented environment. Enhanced leadership and communication skills. Reinforced programming skills in C++ and Java. Created a basic Android Application using Java and Android Studios. Member of Hacking Division from 2017-2018. Acquired knowledge in basic hacking concepts and applications and the terminal command used.
Technical Assistant John P Stevens High School - TechHawks Oct,2017-June, 2018
Assisted students with various technical tasks. Presented technical demonstrations of different softwares to aid the students in conceptual understanding. Developed critical technical assistance skills